Posture: Balancing Strength and Flexibility
Both strength and flexibility play a significant role in how your posture develops.
For instance, a strong and flexible core helps the body dynamically adapt to every environment. The spine is supported and moves well, reducing the possibility of injury or pain.
While it's true that "perfect" postures may not exist, improving our strength, flexibility, and ergonomics goes a long way toward improvement.
Your body is dynamic and designed to move, but over time, it may feel less dynamic than it used to!
Getting into a wellness routine with exercises focusing on strength and flexibility is a smart way to keep your body feeling young while promoting good posture - a true win-win.
Here's why.
Strengthening exercises can help develop proper support for your joints and decrease overall postural stress. Incorporating stretches and exercises focusing on flexibility will help your body maintain its ability to move through its full range of motion.
Did you know...
- Your posture will likely improve when you focus on increasing muscular flexibility.
- Lifting weights strengthens your back, shoulder, and core muscles, which are essential to standing properly and preventing lower back pain.
- Stretching your muscles and joints also leads to a greater range of motion, improved balance, and increased flexibility.
Next Steps:
Remember, postural stress can add up over time.
Just because you're not currently in pain doesn't mean that everything is functioning at its highest level or that your daily wellness routine is as optimized as possible.
Our team specializes in posture and provides comprehensive individualized care plans - adjustments, stretches, exercises, and all!
Schedule an appointment today if you'd like to learn more about how we're helping the people in your community achieve an ideal balance of strength, posture, and flexibility.
Our doors are open, and we're here for you.
Science Sources:
Effects of Trapezius Strengthening on Posture. Med Sci Monit. 2020.
Back Health and Posture. Cleveland Clinic. 2020.
"Tech Neck" Taking a Toll on Posture. Columbia Spine. 2018.
Breaking up Workplace Sitting Time. Occup Environ Med. 2014.
Why Being Flexible is Great for Your Health. Healthline. 2020.
Forward Head Posture and Neck Pain. Curr Rev Musculoskel Med. 2019.
Guide to Good Posture. Medline Plus. 2020.
Upright Posture Improves Effect and Fatigue. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2017.